Sustainable Manufacturing
Working Together for a Sustainable World
At World Press, sustainable manufacturing is an important part of our philosophy and our business practices. Whether we are producing a project, investing in new equipment, or identifying a process for improvement, we look for ways to minimize negative environmental impacts and conserve energy and natural resources in ways that are safe for our community, our customers, and our employees.
Reducing Waste
At World Press, we have taken many steps to reduce our environmental footprint by reducing waste. We are G7 Certified. By using G7 methodology and our closed-loop color control system, we reduce the number of makeready waste sheets since we can quickly match proofs on press.
Another way we reduce waste is with our rigorous quality control systems. World Press measures multiple data points throughout our process. The data is reviewed. If there are issues, we identify
them, perform root cause analysis, and address the issue. We are a member of the Print Media Association, and benchmark waste against industry averages. By working together, our team has out-performed our peers in this area, and we will continue to look for ways to improve.
When we invest, reducing waste is one of our points of evaluation criteria, and was a key factor when we chose the Komori Lithrone G40 H-UV Press. In the area of waste reduction, the Komori has exceeded our expectations by allowing us to match color quickly and maintain consistent color throughout the run – all with minimal waste.
World Press recycles paper, corrugate, plates, blankets, blanket bars, and responsibly disposes of unused inks. All of our associates are trained in our recycling procedures.
Choices that Support Sustainable Manufacturing
World Press choose environmentally-friendly materials whenever possible. Our offset inks are soy and vegetable-based, with minimal VOC’s (Volatile Organic Compounds) emitted. World Press’ house papers are manufactured with 10% post-consumer waste. We have also updated our lighting plant-wide with energy-saving fixtures.
World Press is FSC® Certified (FSC® C155616). We also recognize that each client has different needs and a different focus. Please let us know what you wish to achieve. Whether it relates to green energy, carbon offsetting, or green logistics. World Press can help you achieve your corporate sustainability goals.